Monday, 18 November 2013

what will the future bring

Some people see dollars in carving up the land others see dollars in retaining nature.

It is a shame that the beauty of the wetlands between the West end of Younger Street and Simpson street is not seen for what it is and what it could bring to Warrnambool, other than a quick buck through creating multiple dwellings, 'development'.

This land could go either of three ways, chop it up into small dwelling blocks for a quick perceived return through having many, cut into larger block and created into a sort after area by people who are prepared to pay a bit more for the privilege to live in a unique area of Warrnambool and last but not least the pipe dream, create a world renowned wetland that would attract tourist, naturalist and bird lovers to our wonderful coastal environment.

This strip of land is one of few surviving and forgotten pieces of land along our coast. The wetlands have been preserved by the fact that there has been little human interest. In the eyes of the developers and the money hungry it is seen as a wasteland degraded by grazing cattle, by those who love and appreciate nature it is seen as a wonderland with potential.

One would think we are to fare down the track with the dollars spent and the perceived dollar benefits this land will create for the Warrnambool Golf Club and the Warrnambool City Council. WGC there are no financial benefits in a wetland environment and WCC their return is quicker and more tangible than the longer range vision of what a wetland could bring.

With the pending subdivision does anyone truly understand or have ongoing control on the effect of 47 new dwellings plus a cluster dwelling block (22), average 4 people per house plus the unknown block would be 188 people, 2 cars per house hold 94 cars plus the unknown block. How many of these people would use the river and walk through the wetlands and through the sand dunes to the beach, would residence be given a designated track or will they be allowed to make their own, who would control the ownership of cats and dogs dumping of garden waste etc. Who will be the appointed overseer of all things environment to the surrounding wetland.

This land has had a long associated history between the WGC and the WCC. Participants of both groups cross over and deals have been cut for the financial benefit of both, money has been spent by those that can and it is hard for the little people to compete.

On aside it would be interesting to create a financial time line since the purchase of the land.

I implore those in the position of power to seriously consider the long-term effect of decisions made at this stage

Scroll down to post on the 11- 9 - 12 to see a report that I compiled on the life of the wetland, this report was started in 2007 and adjusted along the way

Sunday, 17 November 2013

When the Merri Floods

When the water comes down and in the Merri creates an amazing wetland. Below are pictures of the 2013 floods that boarder the proposed subdivision
View east from block 22 and the proposed free space. The road will run around the right or South edge of this flood of water. The Merri river is flooded both sides covering the rail trail which is the yellow strip on the far side, the point of land in the foreground is the approximate south bank  

This is the same view as above. The photos is taken from the high land where the box thorn is
Same photo as above but maybe block 18, slightly different angle. Note that the proposed emergency foot bridge is planned to cross over this part of the river onto the flooded path
This photo is taken from the same spot as above but now looking West, about block 17. There will be houses at this spot.
Similar view as above turned slightly north, note that the rail trail is under water on the right hand side of this picture
Same view turned to the South a bit looking over Block 15 & 14
This photo is taken from the north side of the river, the subdivision is over the hill in the near distance, again the rail trail is under water
This is a view from the West side of the wetland, the western end of the subdivision is on the far side of the water

View West from approximately block 14

Sunset over the wetlands

Friday, 25 October 2013

Photos taken in the wetland

Magpie Goose  Anseranas semipalmata  - Thank you John

Black-winged Stilt  Himantopus himantopus

Darter   Anhinga melanogaster  imm

Wedge-Tailed Eagle  Aquila audax

What happens when you introduce humans into wet lands

Friday, 12 July 2013


Swans and other birds

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

As the floods come in

Birds on the wet lands

Birds on the wetland in front of the sand mine

Friday, 17 May 2013

Black-Tailed Native Hens

On this day the best birds were the Native Hen, a family of 5 trotting along in a line, they were quite nervous
Chestnut Teal - Pink-eared duck - Seagul - Grey Teal

Purple Swamphen - Eurasian Coot - Grey Teal

Vast array of wetland birds 

Swamp Harrier

Black-Tailed Native Hen  Gallinula ventralis

Thursday, 14 March 2013

I love a walk in the Wet Lands

Every time I walk through the wet lands I see amazing sights
Many birds on the flooded wetlands

Black Swan  Cygnus airatus

Swamp Harrier  Circus approximans

Swamp Harrier  Circus approximans

Pacific Black Duck in flight