Tuesday, 11 September 2012

A few birds from the Merri

I would like to post the birds that I have seen over the years

 Arctic Tern
 Australasian Bittern
 Australian Hobby
 Australian Pelican
 Australian White Ibis
 Black-Shouldered Kite
 Black-Winged Stilt
 Blue-billed Duck
 Brown Songlark
 Common Skylark or Pipit
 Crimson Rosella
 Eagle Nest
 Eurasian Coot
 European Goldfinch
 European Greenfinch
 Golden-headed Citicola
 Great Cormorant
 Great Egret
 Grey Fantail
 Grey Teal
 Masked Lapwing
 Purple Swamphen
 Red-Kneed Dotterel
 Royal spoonbill
 Sharp-Tailed Sandpiper
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Swamp Harrier Rabbit
Swamp Harrier
Welcome Swallow
White-Fronted Chat
Yellow-Tailed Black-Cockatoo

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